Wednesday 14 December 2011

The patient becomes impatient

What doesn't kill me can only make me stronger ...

Harumph to that statement. I'm currently on day 5 of taking oral antibiotics (phenoxymthylpenicillin 250mgx2 anyone? Maybe a flucloxacillin 500mg is more to your liking?) to continue the treatment of my sore elbow. A lot of people would love to have time off work at this time of year but for me it detracts from my own preparations for Christmas. I don't need time to go out shopping. After last year where I spent unhappy hours tramping from shop to shop on the trail of an elusive present, I gone back to shopping online.

Online shopping certainly fits in with my "Not fit for work" lifestyle. The strength of the antibiotics make me fatigued and unable to concentrate, often drifting away while watching a tv programme or worse, while driving. I also have a bloated stomach (more than normal!) and a reduced appetite. So I'm hunting down presents on Amazon, eBay and the various online personifications of the UK High Street's major stores. Just about everything has been bought (and delivered!) and just needs wrapping.

As I said I like being at work at this time of year. People seem slightly less stressed, there's always a little more time to pass the day and the work levels tend to slow down. Occasionally, there's a plate of mince pies which pops up on my desk as well and on a good day, they last until lunch time!

I'm not sure what the Outpatients Appointments service have been getting up to but they failed to let me know about my follow up appointment at the clinic. It was this morning and as I wasn't informed about it, I didn't attend. That means my "unfit" note has to run its full course and I'll not be back at work until Monday at the earliest.

Being absent from work means I can't really attend the Works Christmas Party on Saturday with a clear conscience. The fatigue and lack of concentration make me a bad person to turn out and assess on Saturday, so I've had to give backword on my assessment. The strangest coincidence though, the assessor co-ordinator, who shares my first name, is also suffering from the same condition and is due to be reviewed next week by a specialist.

Having heard his story of it being a long running condition, I'm worried I might be in for the long run with my elbow looking like a small lemon!

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