Sunday 1 April 2012

Your preparation, your game

Some readers may think, well it's just a Sunday League game, but for the players who have worked all week, looking forward to their game at the weekend, it does matter. I have been guilty in the past for refereeing when not at my best. I'm not talking about refereeing with an injury or a below peak (for my age) fitness, I'm talking about when I'm not mentally focused. The mental side of the game often needs as much attention as the physical.
Every game deserves you at your best, mentally and physically, but in truth unless you are at the very top of the game AND very lucky, you will always be carrying a niggle into a game. Mentally, it might be that you haven't done your homework, it might be the thought of last week's game when you issued a caution for an offence seen from distance, it might be the concern about that little bit of cramp in the 88th minute last week or it might be as simple as the argument with your child just as you were filling your kit bag. Whatever it is, it can take the edge of your being ready for your game.

So how can you tackle these little mindkillers ...?

Good physical preparation can tackle some of these issues. That means eating properly the night before a game. I've often ignored this aspect of preparation but I've settled into a routine which helps me keep a consistent level of activity and mentally sharp enough to deal with all that the game throws at me. The night before I have a pasta based meal with plenty of water to wash it down. I may allow myself a beer or two, but the old days of turning out of the night club at 3:30 am and on the field at 10:00 have long gone. My body just won't take it!

The importance of a good night's sleep can't be overstated. A lack of sleep takes you down a couple of notches physically but if you're tired before stepping out, then you suffer through a lack of energy and you are mentally off the pace. So watch Match of the Day and hit the pillow ... the Football League Show will always be available on BBC iPlayer!

The last thing I do before going out on the field is MRBV ... mental rehearsal by visualisation. Although we often differentiate between "set plays" (free kicks, corners, etc) and open play (defender's long ball, shot on goal, etc), in my eyes, the whole of my game is just a series of linked set plays. The sequence I go through is the same in every situation.
  • Where is the ball?
  • Where are the players?
  • What infringements may occur or may have just occurred?
  • If an infringement has occurred, what do I need to do ... if anything?
Over the next few weeks, time permitting, I am hoping to post a series of incidents which occur during a game and my personal thought processes as they happen. Some are shorter than others, some are more involved. My point is that I spend time each week and on the morning of a game, visualising some of these set plays, so that I am sharp enough to respond appropriately to them when they do.

I hope the end of the season has brought you something you wanted at the start, e.g. promotion, cup final, cup semi final and I hope you've stayed injury free so far. We're into the last 6 weeks or so now, so whatever you do, don't let your guard down!

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