Sunday 8 April 2012

Another Sunday run out

A tough work out today with two teams packed with players at least 20 years younger than me, both playing the offside trap and both fast on the counter attack. Still enjoyed it though.

The two graphs below show how hard I was working (click for a larger version of the images). I only started my HRM 4 minutes into the 2nd half as I thought I'd started it at kick off but obviously hadn't so I've only captured 44 minutes (3 minutes of added time!). The dip around the 13 minute mark in the 2nd half was when I suspended the game to bring a player in for a chat accompanied by his captain. He'd already been cautioned and had made a couple of careless challenges since then. The captain did my work for me once I'd explained how things were going and it worked a treat. The stepped approach does work!

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