Monday 9 April 2012

Bank Holiday Day Trip

Back in the day, my Bank Holidays alternated between boredom and enforced incarceration with my parents, usually at a cinema watching a film of their choosing. Occasionally this caused some interesting exchanges between me and my dad as he tried to persuade me that I really, really, would like to see see this cowboy film or that war film, which really he wanted to see. Even rarer events occurred when he forgot to check the age rating and we spent a few embarrassing moments in the foyer as he tried to persuade the manager/chief cashier to admit me and my two sisters (both under age 10) to a film with an AA (14 or over) rating.

My Bank Holidays moved on to a new stage when I left home and was still in possession of my season ticket to Leeds United. The exchanges on those days were between me and my wife at the time "discussing" the relative merits of an afternoon at her parents or an away trip to Leicester/Derby/Southampton/West Ham, etc. As usual, the football always won and after a few years, I was a single man again!

Today I played the "weather too bad to go anywhere" card with my wife and again took advantage of the Bank Holiday to go to see some football. I made the relatively short journey north with David to a Blue Square North game. The facilities were extremely good and appeared on a par with some of the clubs I have visited in my travels around England supporting Leeds United in the professional game. The hospitality was fantastic and the game itself was competitive but fair.

The referee and his assistants managed the game extremely well. He intervened after around 8 minutes to speak to a player who had committed two offences in quick succession and that was all that was needed to establish his authority. From there on the game was under his close control and with the exception of having to deal with a blood wound and a caution (for the same player already spoken to), this game was wrapped up.

Personally I felt his work rate and awareness of what was happening around him was first class. His movement around the field was highly effective and when giving decisions, his proximity to play didn't allow for any player discussion. He was pro-active in high risk areas and constantly talking to players so they understood his expectations. If all referees worked to the same standard, the life of an assessor would be so much duller.

So with the Bank Holiday over, I'm heading for Tuesday Blues with my first day back at work since March 30. Hopefully the Inbox isn't too full!

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